Posts Tagged ‘drain cleaning’

It’s not uncommon for a customer to ask for our help finding the source of a bad sewer-gas smell.  It happens quite often because the problem is tough to diagnose and locate for lots of different reasons.  We usually start with a few pointers over the phone to see if they can solve the problem […]

One winter, on a Saturday night, it was my turn to cover the phones. A customer called at about 10:00 p.m. and said “everything was backed up” in his house. No matter how many times he tried to fix the problem, he couldn’t stop the downstairs shower drain from overflowing, and he needed help. When […]

What’s in a name? When the name contains the words ‘Day & Nite’, certain questions always get asked. “Do you really get called out in the middle of the night?” Yes! We really do get called out in the middle of the night…several times a week, every week of the year. “Really? What do people […]

I’ve been hearing horror stories recently from customers who have invested a lot of money, hope, and time trying to unclog their drains with chemical drain cleaners. The reality is, they just don’t cut the mustard, well, maybe the mustard, but the clog, that’s another matter. Drain Systems – for the most part – should […]