Posts Tagged ‘life lessons’

It’s not uncommon for a customer to ask for our help finding the source of a bad sewer-gas smell.  It happens quite often because the problem is tough to diagnose and locate for lots of different reasons.  We usually start with a few pointers over the phone to see if they can solve the problem […]

Most of us take summer vacations expecting to leave our worries behind, not worry about what we left behind and undone. In this reprise of our “Vacation Checklist” article, we’ll share how to make your home safe and secure before you leave on vacation, and why it’s so important. “Hello, this is Bruce Sr with […]

Not long ago I had a conversation with our local Electric Utility (PUD) about the causes of high energy usage in the home. I wanted to know what they look for when there is no obvious smoking gun. The following energy wasting culprits were at the top of their list:   Anything that provides a […]

It’s your dream home. You make an offer. Offer accepted. You order an inspection. The inspection is done and all is well. Or is it?  Home buyer inspections are the rule these days. Sometimes plumbers are called in to do a more thorough follow up inspection. Unfortunately, this often happens after the home has already […]

It’s evening and you just came home. The house is cooler than normal so you check your thermostat and it appears to be “heating”. Thirty minutes later you realize the house isn’t getting any warmer. Panic Mode! It’s going to freeze tonight! Who can I call for help? Hopefully you know a great company that’s […]

Water Heaters are so common most people feel pretty familiar with them, but when a technician comes out for a water heater problem, suddenly things seem a little more complicated than they use to be. Commonly, water heaters are not installed to current code requirements. As good, professional technicians, it’s our responsibility to make the […]

Monroe, Washington is a pretty little town in the Snohomish River Valley. A while back our company  installed a new furnace and air filtration system for one of its homeowners.   Sometime later I returned to that same home as a service technician because the furnace wasn’t working. It turns out the home was sold shortly […]

“We can do it for half the price a plumber would charge.” said an ad on the radio as I was driving to work one morning. “Half the price a plumber would charge!” I thought, “If they aren’t using plumbers, then who is doing the work?” There is an old perception of the plumber being […]

“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” Those words haunted me as I viewed the photos of water cascading down the stairs and raining through the sheet rock into the lower floor of my friend’s home.  A year prior, my friend bought a home and asked me what I thought about the plumbing and heating […]

Tankless water heaters have become all the rage, but believe it or not, they can also be a “source” of rage. A few times every year, customers call us with tales of tankless woe.  The luster of the new technology they were so excited about has been tarnished by problems from day one.  And they’re […]