Archive for the ‘Home buyer inspection’ Category

It’s not uncommon for a customer to ask for our help finding the source of a bad sewer-gas smell.  It happens quite often because the problem is tough to diagnose and locate for lots of different reasons.  We usually start with a few pointers over the phone to see if they can solve the problem […]

One winter, on a Saturday night, it was my turn to cover the phones. A customer called at about 10:00 p.m. and said “everything was backed up” in his house. No matter how many times he tried to fix the problem, he couldn’t stop the downstairs shower drain from overflowing, and he needed help. When […]

This last heat wave really made those without air-conditioners want one… and those who did have one …pray that the record breaking heat wouldn’t break the one they had. And so it was with my neighbor. As I pulled into my driveway on one of those hot days, he came out to meet me. The […]

Tankless? Storage Tank? Which is better? In the first article of this series we looked at the economics of heating water. Number two explored how each system would perform to meet our needs. This final article will compare how ‘green’ one system is versus the other. As I’ve mentioned, it is a ‘small world’ after […]

Tankless water heaters are all the rage. They appeal to everyone, from the home hunter, to the conservationist, to the comfort and convenience minded. And it’s no wonder. You get better efficiency, and endless hot water, with a unit that doesn’t occupy much more space than a large suitcase. These features and benefits are what […]

You have work…school…guests coming over… and everyone in the family needs hot water now. Unfortunately, life as you know it has just been interrupted by a leaking water heater. The inconvenience is bad enough, but when you factor in the possibility of water damage, it can become catastrophic. One of the first things I ask […]

Not long ago I had a conversation with our local Electric Utility (PUD) about the causes of high energy usage in the home. I wanted to know what they look for when there is no obvious smoking gun. The following energy wasting culprits were at the top of their list:   Anything that provides a […]

It’s your dream home. You make an offer. Offer accepted. You order an inspection. The inspection is done and all is well. Or is it?  Home buyer inspections are the rule these days. Sometimes plumbers are called in to do a more thorough follow up inspection. Unfortunately, this often happens after the home has already […]